Choose Happy with Marie | Stop Negative Thoughts, Overcome Limiting Beliefs, Use Positive Affirmations, Live a Happy Life

✨ The Go-To Podcast for Women Who Want to Learn How to Choose Happy for Living their Life ✨ *** Top 1.5% Podcast Globally *** 👉 Do you want to live a happy life free of negative thoughts? 👉 Struggling to implement healthy habits despite the books you’re reading or the You Tube videos you’re watching? 👉 Are everyone else’s expectations keeping you busy and you have no time or energy to do what makes YOU happy? ✨ Hi, I’m Marie, Happiness Coach, Host of The Choose Happy with Marie Show, and author of the Choose Happy Affirmation Cards. For most of my life, I experienced negative thoughts that was triggered by childhood trauma. And, it was controlling my life. I turned to self help books to help bring about the changes that I so desperately needed. But, none of them actually worked. Why not? Because, my inner voice was standing in my way. I discovered affirmations. These are positive statements that tells our brain what we want for ourselves and for our life. I found examples online, but they just didn’t resonate with me. Maybe you’ve experienced this as well? Plato once said: “necessity is the mother of invention”. And, so one day, I decided to write my own. And, they worked! Little by little, my life was beginning to transform itself! If this worked for me, maybe this could be helpful to others as well. And so, equipped with my passion to help people, I began sharing my affirmations on social media in 2020. They were a hit! I took the 30 affirmations that I authored and designed the Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck. ✨ In this podcast, I’ll teach you how to: - use affirmations to implement healthy habits - tangible ways to break free from the negative thoughts - Ideas for living a happy life - On a foundation of self worth ✨ Join me in choosing happy for living your life. No more negativity, we’re choosing happy! ✨ Next Steps ✨ 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Free Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy, website: 👉 EMAIL: 👉 Instagram: @choosehappywithmarie

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Tuesday Jan 17, 2023

In today’s episode, I invite you to think about where in your life you would like to try something new but your negative self-talk stands in your way of doing it. 
I share how I overcame the negative self-talk I was experiencing when I started doing CrossFit classes 🏋️‍♀️.
If there’s something on your heart that you want to do but you seem to be getting in your own way, I invite you to listen to my story and be inspired to take action to make that new thing come into your life. 
You never know where this new thing can take you!
Come on in girlfriend, it’s time to choose happy! 😊
*In this episode, I refer to the following episodes:
#13: 5 Questions to ask Yourself about Your New Year Resolutions BONUS:  New Year Resolution Affirmation
#14: Find Your Happiness 🙂: Follow Your Passion
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Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

In today’s episode, I invite you to follow your passions and I give you three questions to help you start uncovering them. 
It’s time to do more of what you’re really good at and/or really interested in.  It’s time to choose happy! 😊
Quotes referenced in this episode (by Oprah Winfrey):
“Follow your passion. Do what you love, and the money will follow. Most people don’t believe it, but it’s true.”
“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” 
For information on the negativity bias, see Episode 04 \\ Why Your Brain 🧠 Focuses on Negative Things and Tips to Overcome the Negativity Bias”
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Tuesday Jan 03, 2023

Happy New Year!☺️ I hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday season. 
In today’s episode, I have 5 questions to ask yourself as you make your New Year Resolutions. 
You can achieve your resolutions and I’m going to show you how in today’s show. 
Come on in girlfriend, it’s time to choose happy!😊
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Tuesday Dec 27, 2022

Do you find yourself sometimes feeling alone? Does it bring you down that you can’t see clearly?  Maybe you’re feeling this right now during the holiday season? 
Today’s episode is inspired by a listener who I learned was feeling alone when she reached out to me to let me know she was enjoying the podcast. 
To support her and those who are looking for ideas of what you can do when you feel alone, I’m sharing with you my post-it note method with a list of five questions I have on “stand by” for when I’m feeling alone. 
I’m also sharing the Christmas letter template I use for reflecting on the past year 2022. 
Come on in girlfriend let’s learn how to choose happy when we’re feeling alone.
* In today’s show, I reference the following episode from The Choose Happy with Marie podcast:
10// Is Your Mindset Holding You Back?  10 Mindset Shifts that Changed My Life
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Tuesday Dec 20, 2022

Do you live your life thinking there isn’t enough of ‘x’ to go around? 
What if I told you that there is enough?  Or, even more than enough to go around. 
You see the scarcity mindset holds us back from seeing the abundance that surrounds us everyday. 
Today’s episode was inspired by an affirmation card that I randomly selected as part of my weekly planning routine - from the Choose Happy affirmation card deck. 
You can live your life with an abundance mindset and I’m going to introduce you to three ways you can develop this mindset in today’s show.  We also say the Abundance affirmation together. 
Come on in girlfriend, it’s time to choose happy! 😊
*** In today’s show, I reference the following quote:  
“May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas eve.”  Anonymous
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Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

In today’s episode, I talk about the 10 mindset shifts I did this past year that changed my life. I also reference several quotes that have inspired me throughout the year (see below).
If improving your mindset has been on your to do list, I invite you to listen to my journey and reflect on the improvements you’ve made this past year. 
Come on in girlfriend, let’s choose happy!
In today’s show, I reference the following: 
Sheryl Sandberg: “Done is better than perfect.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Its the not the Destination, It's the journey.”
Rose Tremain: “Life is not a dress rehearsal.”
Brené Brown: “All I know is that my life is better when I assume that people are doing their best. It keeps me out of judgment and lets me focus on what is, and not what should or could be.”
Tony Robbins: “Trade your Expectations for Appreciation and the World Changes Instantly'
Song: “Believe” by Josh Groban (The Polar Express movie)
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Tuesday Dec 06, 2022

Today’s episode is a special one – it’s one that I felt called to do. The holiday season can be a difficult one for those of us who have lost a loved one – either this past year or in previous years. 
This episode is for you ❤️.
If you know of someone who may benefit from this episode, please forward them the link to it either from the website or from your podcast app. 
Let’s share the love this holiday season 💕.
Come join me as I explore with you five ideas to remember our loved ones this year 🕯️.
With love,
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Tuesday Nov 29, 2022

In today’s episode, I am inviting you to think about what YOU want for Christmas AND to tell your family.  I want you to imagine waking up on Christmas morning and there’s a gift there just for YOU that brings you SO much joy and happiness 🙂.
So, if there’s something on your heart that you really want for Christmas, this is your permission slip to speak up and tell your family.  
And if it feels awkward for you to speak up, come listen to the episode 💗.
By making this small change – telling your family what you REALLY want for Christmas – you are choosing happy. 
And, I share my top 5 ideas to help you come up with ideas for your list.
Let’s do this girlfriend, let’s write a Christmas wish list! 😊
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Tuesday Nov 22, 2022

Are you starting to feel holiday stress and the season hasn’t even begun?  Are you already feeling burnout living everyday life and just the thought of adding the holiday to do’s .. makes you feel … (sigh) … a little overwhelmed?
Join me in today’s show where I walk you through 3 tips we can do to find happiness this holiday season.  That’s right, it’s time to make what YOU want a priority and start identifying what brings you JOY during the holidays. I also talk about the importance of identifying what matters to our family and making that a priority as well.
It’s time to set healthy boundaries and start saying NO to other’s To Dos to make room this holiday season for you and your family. 
Imagine what it will feel like to actually ENJOY THIS HOLIDAY SEASON ☺️– it’s possible, and this episode will give you ideas to make it happen! 
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Tuesday Nov 15, 2022

Now that you’ve gotten a taste of using affirmations – from the last episode (05. Trust Yourself: Tips and Affirmation You Can Use Everyday) and episode #1 (01. You are Worthy of Happiness), today we will briefly review what is a positive affirmation and we will also touch upon when affirmations don’t work.  
This episode also contains an affirmation you can use before a job interview. 
It’s time to choose happy, no more living on autopilot ✈️.
Positive Quotes mentioned in the show:
“Affirmations are our mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts we experience daily.” - Tia Walker
"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."- Muhamed Ali
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