Choose Happy with Marie | Stop Negative Thoughts, Overcome Limiting Beliefs, Positive Self-talk, Affirmations, Live a Happy Life

✨ The Go-To Podcast to Learn How to Choose Happy for Living Your Life ✨ [Top 1.5% Podcast Globally] 👉 Want to live a life free of negative thoughts? 👉 Struggling to implement healthy habits despite the books and YouTube videos? 👉 Are other people’s expectations keeping you busy, with no time for what truly makes YOU happy? ✨ Hi, I’m Marie, Happiness Coach, Host of The Choose Happy with Marie Podcast, and author of the Choose Happy Affirmation Cards. For most of my life, I struggled with negative thoughts, fueled by childhood trauma controlled, and they controlled my life. I turned to self-help books, but nothing worked until I discovered the power of affirmations. These positive statements tell our brain what we want for ourselves and our lives. I tried online examples, but they didn’t resonate with me. Can you relate? Plato once said, “necessity is the mother of invention,” and so, I wrote my own affirmations, and they worked! Little by little, my life transformed. I started sharing my affirmations on social media in 2020, and they were a hit! That led to the creation of my Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck. ✨ In this podcast, I’ll teach you how to: - Use affirmations to implement healthy habits - Break free from negative thoughts with actionable steps - Build a foundation of self-worth to live a truly happy life Join me in choosing happy for living YOUR life. No more negativity — we’re choosing happy! ✨ ✨ Next Steps ✨ 👉 SIGN UP for FREE resources, like the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and bonus affirmations (instant PDF download): 👉 JOIN our Free Facebook Community for Choose Happy inspiration: 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy: 👉 EMAIL: 👉 Instagram: @choosehappywithmarie ✨ LOVE the podcast? Leave a review and share it with a friend who could use some positivity and guidance. Your support helps us spread happiness!

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Tuesday Mar 18, 2025

Have you said to yourself lately,  “I would really like to do ‘x’ “ but, your negative thoughts tells you not to?  Why do we feel guilty when we spend on ourselves?  Not all of us feel this way but for many of us, we’ve got that negative self-talk – a voice – a script that is on constant repeat - perhaps from your mother, grandmother, partner, etc, that tells us we shouldn’t spend on ourself.  
In today’s show, I’m sharing with you my latest adventure as a solo traveler to an overnight destination spa a few hours from where I live.  It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  It was.  But for me to get there, I had some negative self-talk that I had to overcome.
If you too struggle with spending on you, you’re in the right place.  We are worthy of spending money that we earn on things that really matter to us.  And I’ve got a positive affirmation you can use to help you reframe those thoughts and get you, finally taking action and doing the things you really want to do. 
Let’s do this, it’s time to choose happy!
Next Steps:
👉 LISTEN to related episodes:
44 | 3 Simple Steps to Improve How You Spend Your Money [Money Affirmation]
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Tuesday Mar 04, 2025

Do you have people in your life who are trying to tell you how to live your life?  It’s time to tell them, “Thank you, I’ll take that into consideration.” And go make your own decisions.
In today’s show, I’m sharing with you 3 ways to start taking back your personal power.   Enough with people telling us what to do with our life, it’s time for us to make those decisions – the choose happy choices – that will result in living the life that we want for ourselves and our family.
✨ QUOTE mentioned in today’s show:
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Next Steps:
👉 DOWNLOAD the FREE Morning Routine Checklist (with bonus positive affirmations) *** This is also how you become a Choose Happy member:  Choose Happy Morning Routine & Sample Affirmations
👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy guidance and inspiration:  Choose Happy Community
👉 LEARN about Choose Happy:
👉 BUY the Affirmation Card Deck: Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck
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Tuesday Feb 18, 2025

Eating healthy and exercising are common New Year's resolutions. We start the year with good intentions and then, life gets busy and well, there’s no time for that, right? There is time.  We must prioritize it in our life.  I know changes are not easy, especially for those of us whose negative thoughts are standing in the way of following through – even if it’s on our to do list.  In today’s show, I’m digging into these topics and giving you an affirmation that I use to help me stay on track for eating healthy and exercising.
Next Steps:
✨ EPISODE(S) mentioned in today’s show:
48 | Ditch Morning Negative Thoughts Through Movement: The Benefits of Morning Walks 🚶🏽‍♀️ [Morning Routine Series]
74| Affirmations 101 and Choose Happy Guided Positive Affirmation (with Music)
80 | How to Build a Good Habit in 4 Simple Steps: Atomic Habits Book Review by James Clear
✨ QUOTE mentioned in today’s show:
“Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.” (Jim Rohn)
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👉 SUBSCRIBE to the show:  If you haven’t already done so, subscribe to the show so that you are notified when the next episode is live.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2025

Another day goes by, you’re lying in bed, and your mind starts thinking about everything you did and didn’t do – especially the didn’t do.  Why do those stick out? Perhaps on your ‘didn’t do’ list, you didn’t get to do anything that would make you happy today. Instead, you responded to everyone’s request of you, and you couldn’t even take your lunch break (sigh).  So many of us are just getting by. That’s not living a happy life.  In today’s show, I’m sharing with you three reasons why you’re not living a happy life today.  Yes, there are many reasons, but today, I’m going to focus on three that I hear a lot of from members of the show.
Next Steps:
✨ EPISODE mentioned in today’s show:
52 | Your Evening Routine is Just as Important as Your Morning Routine [Bonus: Bedtime Affirmation]
✨ QUOTE mentioned in today’s show:
“Worthy now. Not if. Not when. We are worthy of love and belonging now. Right this minute. As is.” — Brené Brown
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Tuesday Jan 21, 2025

Do you wake up with negative thoughts?  Fear? Worry?  What if you had a platform to capture those negative thoughts?  In today’s show, I’m introducing you to Julia Cameron’s “morning pages” from her Artist’s Way book.   They are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, ideally done first thing shortly after you wake up.  This morning habit can help you break free from the negative thinking and cultivate a positive mindset before 9am!
Next Steps:
✨ EPISODE mentioned in today’s show:
72 | 3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Negative Thoughts and Your Home
✨ QUOTE mentioned in today’s show: "The best way to start the day is with a grateful heart." 
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Tuesday Jan 07, 2025

What if we started this new year setting us up to succeed in ‘being happy’ instead of yet another failed new year resolution?
In today’s show, I’m sharing with you one of my happiness hacks called the Word of the Year to guide me in being happy this year.  I’ve been doing this for the past few years, and it has helped me break free from the negative thinking and helped me create the happy life that I want for myself and my family.
If you’re looking for a simple self-help tool to break free from the negative thoughts and start choosing happy for living your everyday life, you won’t want to miss this episode.  This one hack will empower you to choose differently this year.  I’m giving you the 5 steps on how you can choose your word in today’s show. 
Next Steps:
✨ EPISODE mentioned in today’s show:
92 | 3 Ways to End the Year on a Positive Note: Journal Prompts + Positive Affirmation
✨ QUOTE mentioned in today’s show:
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
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Tuesday Dec 31, 2024

Are you thinking about all the negative things that happened this past year?  You know you don’t have to do that? You can choose to think about the good things.  
In today’s show, I’m inviting you to look at how you’ve lived your year and how you’ve chosen happy this past year.  You’ll learn 3 ways to end the year on a positive note. 
Thank you for listening to the show this past year.  I am grateful to be choosing happy with you 🩷.
See you in 2025! 😊
Next Steps:
👉 EPISODES mentioned in today’s show:
4 | Why Your Brain Focuses on Negative Things and Tips to Overcome the Negativity Bias
82 | Do You Push Down Your Dreams, Desires and Wants? Sharing the Choose Happy affirmation I used to Plan a Trip to Portugal
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👉 SUBSCRIBE to the show:  If you haven’t already done so, subscribe to the show so that you are notified when the next episode is live.

Tuesday Dec 17, 2024

Do you wish your family would just stop being so negative?  Whether it’s our partner, kids, parents and even friends/colleagues, why can’t they see the positive in life? 😕
We can’t change other people. It’s hard enough to change ourselves. But, what we can do is influence them by our words and actions. 
In today’s show, you will learn 3 ways in which you can use positive affirmations to positively influence your family and/or loved ones that you hang out with. 
Next Steps:
👉 EPISODES mentioned in today’s show:
# 79| Binge-worthy Podcast Episodes
👉 QUOTE mentioned in today’s show:
“Trade your expectations for appreciation, to lead with gratitude and thanksgiving instead of worry, fear or anger.” (Tony Robbins)
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👉 SUBSCRIBE to the show:  If you haven’t already done so, subscribe to the show so that you are notified when the next episode is live.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2024

Are you feeling stressed at work lately?  Do you come home exhausted and the first thing you do is complain to your partner about your day? 
In today’s show, I’m talking about the benefits of using affirmations to help our mental health.  I’m also sharing with you a recent experience I had where I was getting sucked into negative thinking – also known as “complaining” – and, how one of the Choose Happy affirmation cards helped me get out of it and back to positive thinking! 😊
⭐ TIME SENSITIVE OFFER ⭐:  Choose Happy Affirmations Card Deck On Sale NOW until December 18th.  Use Promo code:  HOLIDAY2024  Purchase here:  Choose Happy affirmation card deck
Next Steps:
👉 EPISODES mentioned in today’s show:
74| Affirmations 101 and Choose Happy Guided Positive Affirmation (with Music) 
“Affirmations are like prescriptions for certain aspects of yourself you want to change.” (Jerry Frankhauser)
👉 DOWNLOAD the FREE Morning Routine Checklist (with bonus positive affirmations) *** This is also how you become a Choose Happy member:
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👉 SUBSCRIBE to the show:  If you haven’t already done so, subscribe to the show so that you are notified when the next episode is live.

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024

It’s that time of the year!  The most magical time of the year when amazing things go on sale!  The Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck sale is now on until December 15, 2024.  Go to the link below to purchase it. 25% off with coupon code:  HOLIDAY2024
In today’s show, I’m reviewing the importance of bringing in positive words into our thoughts because, the negativity bias, it’s real and strong for some of us.  Using affirmations is my go-to self-help tool to help with this. 
Next Steps:
👉 BUY the Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck Holiday Sale enter code:  HOLIDAY2024
👉 EPISODES mentioned in today’s show:
4 | Why Your Brain Focuses on Negative Things and Tips to Overcome the Negativity Bias
6 |What are Affirmations and Why Positive Affirmations Do Not Always Work?
 👉 DOWNLOAD the FREE Morning Routine Checklist (with bonus positive affirmations) and Become a Choose Happy Member
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👉 Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie

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